Thursday, October 14, 2010

29 sleeps.....

Until Silver Bella 2010!!!
I've waited for so long to attend Silver Bella!It's been on my "Dream Board" for 2 years!! I am over the top excited! I was getting my supply list our and ready today! I can't wait to pack my supplies and goodies! Looking over our class list only got me more excited! Taking a Sally Jean Alexander soldering class... oh my! I simply can't wait :) The brooch is stunning! Meeting Teresa McFayden... how fun! I've loved her EZines for years!
I'll post updates weekly until we leave for Silver Bella with some sneak peeks of my Swaps that I'm working on! I'm working on everything from paper dolls to altered bottles!!! Eeeks... so exciting!

Not only am I looking forward to Silver Bella but I have a Guilded Life Event in about a week!!! I can't wait to return to the amazing church and create with Shae & Debbie!!! Such an amazing weekend I had in July! I'm so looking forward to a repeat! The projects this time are over the top stunning!!

Also in the works! I have recently put some of my accessories at a local boutique in town!!! So exciting! I'll do a more detailed post on that later with pics!!

My blog is about to be revamped a bit to include some of my new jewelry designs, belt buckles & vintage embellished handbags!!

Have a wonderful week!!!!!


  1. Jennifer,
    You are going to love Silver Bella. It is a mad dash of three days, filled with some of the best creativity you will ever see. I was so dazzled by the vendors that was unable to buy. I think you will feel like you are among kindred spirits. I am looking forward to SB and hope we connect!!
    (Susan Reaney)

  2. Hi Suz,
    Thanks for a little pre-Bella insight! I'm thinking it will be just amazing!! I'm hoping I don't get overwhelmed and can't shop :( ~~ that would be awful!
    I'm so looking forward to being near others that will "get me!!"
    I look forward to meeting you!
    :) Jennifer

  3. Hey sweet Jennifer!!!! What fun we had at Gilded Life!!!!!!! I was so happy to see you there last weekend. And I am serious about getting the Art Group together. I just need to get myself together first. I keep thinking that I am close & then............... I hope you have a wonderful time at Silver Bella. I have always wanted to go. Take lots of pictures to share with us. HUGS!

  4. Hi Charlene!!
    Gilded was amazing!!! It was fantastic to see you again!
    I'm very excited about the Art Group~ so something I need!!! As soon as I recover from Silver Bella~ I'll be ready to join in. Let me know what I can do to help get it going!!
    I will take lots of pics! I'm so over the top excited about going!! This is my first!!!
    Talk to you soon!
